WHAT gets promoted?
- Events/activities will be promoted as time and space allows. Note - events effecting the whole church (or large percentage) will be given the highest priority.
- Smaller group announcements* should be promoted within the group by the group leader.
- Invitations to join smaller groups* will be done bi-annually (a type of "Hey-here's where you can plug in" - a kick-off, so to speak)
- Videos require assistance from Tech Ministry. It may, also, require additional lead time to prepare formatting. Send inquiry to Tech
*groups and activities effecting 10 people or less
WHERE do events/activities get promoted?
Events/activities will be promoted in the following ways:
- Church calendar -- (see Calendar Guidelines)
- Friday announcement email -- (note - a link to these announcements can be found at bottom of our home page)
- Sunday bulletin
- PowerPoint slides -- (displayed before and after services on Sundays)
- Verbal announcement from pulpit -- (available on limited basis and requires approval from pastoral staff)
HOW do events/activities get promoted?
Events/activities are promoted as illustrated in the flowchart and will follow the timelines set below.
- Events/activities will be promoted no more than 3 consecutive weeks prior to the event
- Events/activities occurring 2 months, or more, in the future will be initially promoted as a "save-the-date" for 2 weeks, then placed on a once-monthly promotion schedule until it reaches the 3-consecutive-week window
- Requests to promote events/activities must be received no later than the Wednesday prior to the week of the announcement release.
- If promotion is a video, Tech requires at least a week to allow formatting to their system.