Join us on a journey with Jesus, an adventure of a lifetime!Adventure Kids is for newborn babies to 6th graders. We strive to create a loving and biblically focused environment for your child to GROW with Jesus. In the nursery and toddler room, there are stimulating toys and a Bible lesson that is taught. For our elementary ages, we start every morning with worship. Then we dive deep into the lesson for that Sunday and end with an activity that drives the main idea to heart. Pre-teens join Connect 456, where they learn how to apply their faith to their unique life stage.
Check into Adventure:
Sundays @ 9:15am |
Birth - Kindergarten |
Jackie CarrilloKids Ministry Director
[email protected] Hello friends, my name is Jackie Carrillo. In 2022, I moved back to California and almost immediately made CrossWinds my home thanks to my lovely sister and brother in-law. A little bit about myself is I enjoy hiking, I am half Guatemalan, half Salvadoran, and love old school Disney movies. While I grew up in the church, I have had some struggles but recently have dedicated my life to Christ and have made some outstanding changes. I have wanted to serve in the church and have felt the calling and seen the need to help in Children's Ministry. My background in teaching has been helpful as I have been a preschool teacher for the last ten years. I have always had a heart for working with children and now hope to carry out God's plans for this ministry. |
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Get involved!
We invite you to become a part of Adventure Kids Ministry! There are many ways to get involved, including:
Volunteer: We are always looking for caring adults to help with our programs.
Pray: Please pray for our children, our volunteers, and our ministry.
Volunteer: We are always looking for caring adults to help with our programs.
Pray: Please pray for our children, our volunteers, and our ministry.
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Below, are resources we've found online that you may enjoy. Note - this is not our content. We are simply sharing this resource with you.
PARENT CUEParent Cue aims to partner with Parents to help you build a solid foundation of faith for your kids. We thought you may enjoy some singing, dancing, and great Bible stories found on their YouTube channel. VIEW Parent Cue YouTube Channel
SUPERBOOKTry out this website for fun games, videos and more. Keep your kids on track with building their faith. Visit Superbook
*Made by CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) |