Check into Adventure | Sundays at 9:15am
Hey, Moms and Dads!
Adventure Kids is for newborn babies to 5th graders. We strive to create a loving and biblically focused environment for your child to GROW with Jesus. In the nursery and toddler room, there are stimulating toys and a Bible lesson that is taught. For our elementary ages, we start every morning with worship. Then we dive deep into the lesson for that Sunday and end with an activity that drives the main idea to heart.
Questions?Check in process?
When you join us for the first time, we will have you fill out a quick registration card about your family. Then we will check-in your child at the check-in station. Our volunteer will escort you and your child to their classroom for the duration of the service. Please allow for extra minutes on your first visit so you can be in the main sanctuary on time. Are my kids SAFE?
We value your child’s safety and your peace of mind. All our staff and Adventure Kids volunteers have gone through an application process and background check. During the check in process, you will receive a ticket code that corresponds to your child’s name tag so we can ensure a safe check out process. This is so you can enjoy the sermon knowing your child is safe and in a caring environment. oNLINE?
Gather your children, download the kid-friendly sermon notes, and watch our sermon online together. |
Connect With Adventure Kids!
Connect with Adventure Kids on Facebook and Instagram. Find lesson recaps and more! Also, stay up to date by viewing the Adventure Kids Newsletter (updated monthly).
Note - the Facebook group is private, so only members can see the content posted.
Note - the Facebook group is private, so only members can see the content posted.
Below, are resources we've found online that you may enjoy... Note - this is not our content. We are simply sharing this resource with you.
PARENT CUEParent Cue aims to partner with Parents to help you build a solid foundation of faith for your kids. We thought you may enjoy some singing, dancing, and great Bible stories found on their YouTube channel. VIEW Parent Cue YouTube Channel
SUPERBOOKTry out this website for fun games, videos and more. Keep your kids on track with building their faith. Visit Superbook
*Made by CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) |