The Christmas Puzzle
As humans, we don't typically like talking about obedience to God, we prefer to do things our own way or the way someone here on earth tells us. The Wise Men were also faced with conflicting orders; obey King Herod or God Himself. In this sermon Pastor Willie talks about what we should do when faced with the choice to obey God or a human authority. |
Merry Christmas everyone! There was a lot that went into that night that Jesus was born, and sometimes it can be difficult to believe. But, imagine for a moment that you made the choice to say, "I believe." What would that mean for you, and why is it important that you choose to believe. In this sermon Pastor Willie gives those answers.
Have you noticed that it's really easy to say "No" to things! Why is that? Probably because saying "Yes" means we have to commit to something and deal with everything that comes with saying "Yes." In this sermon Pastor Willie talks about how sometimes saying "Yes" to God can lead to being misunderstood, criticized, and even having your character questioned by those who are puzzled by your decision. It would be so much easier to say "NO" and not have to risk dealing with those things, but it is so much BETTER to say "YES!" to God!
Have you ever felt like there's just no joy to be found it your life? Perhaps something stole it. It could be the negative post you read on social media, the bills that are overdue, or even the number on the bathroom scale this morning. In this sermon Pastor Willie talks about the good news of Christmas is that Jesus came to give us "GREAT JOY" no matter who you are or what you've done. That truth, can be very puzzling!
Every year the kids at CrossWinds Church perform a Christmas play to tell the story of Jesus' birth! Please enjoy this year's performance titled "The Nativity" as well as a brief message from Pastor Paul Hodi about the gift of God's son and what it means for each one of us!
It's important to have a plan, but sometimes we aren't as flexible as we should be when those plans change. Joseph was the "man with a plan" and then everything changed. His fiance Mary is pregnant and suddenly he's puzzled; life doesn't make sense anymore. In this sermon Pastor Willie talks about how to keep going when it seems like everyone, even God, has let you down.