Sermon Series:
Living With Hope Among The Hopeless!
Some work hard to maintain their physical fitness. Many also strive to keep their minds sharp. As Peter comes to the end of his letter the advice he gives can lead us to spiritual fitness! |
Considering the ‘fiery ordeals’ they were experiencing, Peter now writes to those who would lead the church through those trials. Today we see some characteristics of a good leader.
One of the most common questions people ask is, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” In his answer Peter gives us some things we need to realize about suffering…
After talking to us about our past lives, Peter now turns his focus forward… ALL the way forward to the ‘end of all things!’
Even though things had been bad for the believers in Asia Minor, it was going to get worse! But suffering can also accomplish good things in the lives of Christians…
Peter continues to encourage those suffering for their faith. His main point today is that through Christ, our physical defeat can be transformed into spiritual victory!
If there’s one thing everyone experiences, it’s suffering. But for the followers of Christ suffering has many positive purposes.
On this Mother’s Day we see the advice Peter gives to Christian wives, (and all of us!) from none other than the Author of marriage Himself: God!
Just as the whole law is summed up in ‘Love’, so all the relationships Peter has been talking about are fulfilled in ‘Love.’ This applies to all of us, and in every area of life!
Peter has been talking about various forms of submission. This morning he gives us the supreme example of submission: Jesus Himself!
This morning Peter tells us why we should ‘be subject to our masters’ even when (or maybe especially when!) they don’t treat us fairly.
As we continue our study in 1 Peter titled, "Living With Hope Among The Hopeless," Peter gives us three reasons we should be submitting to those in authority.. (1 Peter 2 : 13-17)
It’s TOUGH to be good! Sometimes, like children, we say, (or think!) “Do I HAVE to?” Today Peter gives us a few reasons to live a godly life… (1 Peter 2 : 11-12)
After speaking of the destiny of unbelievers - as we covered last week in verse eight - today Peter reminds us who we are in Christ! (1 Peter 1 : 9-10)
In today’s passage, Peter emphasizes that Jesus will only be one of two things in each person’s life... (1 Peter 2 : 6-8)
Pastor Willie is back today to teach about how Peter explains how the church is being built together in order to accomplish God’s will in this world! (1 Peter 2 : 4-5)
First and foremost, Jesus showed love - even knowing the pain He would eventually endure on the cross because of us, he still displayed boundless love! In following His example, we should cast of any traces of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander, instead choosing to ask the Lord purify our hearts so that we can live the same sincere, fervent love that Jesus had for us. (1 Peter 1 : 22 & 2 : 1-3)
Today Pastor Paul continues in our series "Hope Among The Hopeless" by saying not that we should reserve judgement, but that we should leave judgement entirely to God and examine our own behavior. (1 Peter 1 : 17-21)
God’s many promises to us, as well as the hope we have based on God’s Word, should motivate us to live holy lives in front of the people in Our Worlds! 1 Peter 1 : 13-16)
Today Peter asks a simple question to those of us who have accepted God’s free gift of Salvation in Jesus Christ: “Do you truly know how good you have it?” (1 Peter 1 : 10-12)
Today Peter explains more about why we should be hopeful among the hopeless, often using his own experience with Jesus to fuel his words. As always, he begins with the empty tomb! (I Peter 1 : 3-9)
The Greek Philosopher Socrates famously said, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom!” (Proverbs 9:10 would disagree!) Nevertheless, as we start a brand-new series in Peter’s First Letter, he wants you to know who you really are! (I Peter 1 : 1-2)