Contact Us
office hoursM - F 9AM - 5PM
Campus Info29263 Ironwood Ave, Moreno Valley, CA 92555
(The second church East of Redlands Blvd.) |
Our Story
In February 1984, a group of eight families began meeting in homes with the eventual goal of becoming a church. By the Summer of 1984, the church had affiliated itself with the Evangelical Free Church of America.
In September of that year, we began to hold worship services at Sunnymead Elementary School. In December of that year, the church grew to 70 believers.
In July 1994, through a series of miracles, God moved us onto the current property we now enjoy. A generous Christian businessman leased our current land to us for $1.00 a year.
On this land was a large egg-processing facility which was planned to become our church building. On October 12, 1994, our future church building burned to the ground.
We had recently taken out fire insurance on the building, but had not yet made a down payment on the premium. Our insurance company still honored the policy and upon hearing news about the fire, the property owner gave us the land and insurance money to rebuild. God also moved the city of Moreno Valley to waive some construction fees. Then, eighteen months after the fire, we moved into our new church building on Easter Sunday, April 7, 1996.
On January 27, 2002, we began to call ourselves CrossWinds Church, though we are still affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America.
In November of 2003, Willie Behrends became the Interim Pastor was was then voted in as Senior Pastor on September 12, 2004.
Beginning in 2005 and continuing for the next few years, we began a process of assessing the health and effectiveness of our church and people. Asking difficult questions along the way and gleaning from what had been done well, we wanted to know where God was working and calling us, so that we could join HIM in the work He was doing.
2018 - Today
2018 - Today
Through this process, God refocused our commitment and vision - Grow & Go. As God blesses the ministry at CrossWinds Church, His influence is felt through the members... not only here in Moreno Valley, but throughout the entire world as we reach our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We'd love to have you join us on this exciting journey!